
Gifox can integrate with Dropbox, Google Drive and Imgur services for uploading your GIFs straight from the app. Learn below how to integrate Gifox with supported cloud services and quickly share your GIFs.

🔗Cloud Services

Gifox supports and can integrate with the following cloud services:

🔗Adding Integration

To integrate Gifox with a service open the sharing preferences window and press on the "add" button or pick the service that you want to integrate with on the right side of the panel. Sign in and choose the folder for uploaded GIFs if this is supported by the service. You can customize the integration name and chose a different folder at any later time.

Integrating Gifox with a cloud service.


Roll over the media in the library popover and press "upload" button to pick a service to start uploading. Once the upload is finished a public sharing link will be copied to the pasteboard.

Uploading GIF to an integrated cloud service.


To share a GIF with another app or quickly copy the file you can simply drag and drop it from the library popover.

Uploading GIF to an integrated cloud service.
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